I took an unexpected blog break last week while on vacation with Jim’s family. I had the best of intentions to take advantage of babysitters and actually get ahead on some posts, but clearly that didn’t happen! I’m blaming it on a slow wifi connection and getting Lawson adjusted on his first trip.
We rented a house on the Cheasapeake Bay in Maryland. I had never been to Maryland and can now cross it off my list of states I’ve visited. In case you’re curious, I’ve now been to 36 of the 50 states (I downloaded an app to keep track of them). Lawson met more of his family and got to spend lots of time with them. He’s a lucky boy to be so well loved. It doesn’t hurt he’s such a cute and happy little guy!
While it was nice to escape the heat in Arizona, it’s always good to be back home. I picked right up with real life and have a week full of errands to get back on track before Lawson and I brave our first flight with just the two of us!
Anyway, here are some photos from the week. As you can see, it was a Lawson love fest!
Lawson is an exceptionally cute baby. Seriously, that’s a good face you’ve got there!!