4.1.15 3

Little Luv Update: Pregnancy at 38 Weeks

Pregnancy at 38 weeks

The medication I was on to stop contractions worked so well that I’ve had very few since I went off of it two weeks ago (read earlier updates at 22, 26, 30 and 34 weeks). My doctor doesn’t talk about inducing until 40 weeks so we wait…and hope this is my last update before he arrives! When we took the 38 week photo, Jim joked we could have another update at 42 weeks. Let’s all cross our fingers and hope that doesn’t happen. Another two weeks I can take, but not four!

Weeks: 38 (I am posting this update a week late and am actually 39 weeks as of yesterday)

Baby Size: Size of a pumpkin; two weeks ago he measured at 7 lbs, 5 oz., which seems pretty big to me!

Fibroid Size: No changes to report. We have started to talk to the doctor about what to do with the fibroid afterwards. We’ll wait 12 weeks to see how much it shrinks and then re-assess our options, which are really to either remove it via surgery or leave it there.

Weight Gain: 42 pounds

Cravings: I’ve still been craving smoothies. My favorite is a banana, strawberry, peanut butter, chocolate protein, almond milk combination.

Sleeping: Sleep does not come easy most nights. Sometimes I can’t get comfortable…I’m too hot, my belly or fibroid is too heavy. Other nights I can’t turn my mind off. Just getting prepared for life after he’s born! The occasional night when I do sleep well is a blessing. I feel so much better the following day!

Missing: Although I haven’t missed alcohol nearly as much as I thought I would, a refreshing cold drink sounds delicious. Maybe a glass of white wine, a moscow mule or a dirty martini. I also miss wearing my bracelets and rings. More than anything, I miss being my old self. People used to tease me because I was such a fast walker; now I waddle along so slowly. Being able to get off the couch without a push. Iced tea and sushi (not together). Sorry, it’s really not that bad…it’s 39 weeks of this talking!

Feeling: Swollen. I don’t have it that bad, but my ankles and hands are getting more swollen each day. It’s uncomfortable to close my hands into a fist. I’m anxious about labor and wonder what it’s going to be like. More than anything, I’m excited to meet him!

Wearing: Black. I have a pair of jeans and two shirts that I rotate between. Black really is slimming (at least as much as it can at this point).

Preparing: We’re as ready as we’re going to be! It’s still hard to believe we’re going to have a baby in the house soon.


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  1. annie wrote:

    Can’t wait for this little luv to get here! Thinking of you!! x


    Published 4.1.15
  2. Sarah wrote:

    Your blog has made me feel so much better- thank you! I have a large fibroid, although mine is outside of the womb, measuring around 22 x 21 x 14 cm. It’s been so nice to read your experiences as they match mine and sometimes you can feel really alone and scared.

    Published 6.29.16
    • I completely understand how you feel. I’m glad I could help even a little! This time around my fibroid didn’t grow nearly as large. I hope your pregnancy has continued to go well!

      Published 7.27.16