
Weekend Roundup: No. 146

Weekend in LA


Today is an extra special Friday. Sybil turns 1! I’m full of mixed emotions and will attempt to put them into words this weekend. I love her with all my heart and am so proud of both of us for making it through the past year. She is a sweet and happy baby.


Lawson, Sybil and I arrived in LA on Tuesday. Our stuff is all moved into our apartment and we’ve done a pretty good job unpacking and setting things up. I can see the Hollywood sign off in the distance from our bedroom window. I’ve managed to lost every day and feel overwhelmed most of the time, but I know we’ll settle into our life here quickly.



We’re kicking off our first weekend in LA with a USC event at the Hollywood Bowl tonight. The rest of the weekend will be spent unpacking and loving on our little lady Sybil.



With their sleep schedules thrown off and unfamiliar surroundings, both Lawson and Sybil have ended up in bed with us at some point during the night. Laying in bed with them is right up there with my favorite things (as long as it’s only temporary).



I’ve got some major mama guilt with Sybil’s birthday. I haven’t planned anything for her. No cake, gifts or special banner. I know she’s too young to ever remember, but it still bothers me. I’ll be frantically searching for the best cupcakes in LA the rest of the night.



Have you seen the overalls trend? I wanted them last year and bought this pair of Madewell skinny overalls as a birthday present to myself. They were on sale and I had a $25 gift card so I figured why not at least try them on. The fit is really, really good. I plan to wear them with my favorite white and navy striped shirt all fall and winter.


You may also likeĀ 36 hours in LA and Sybil’s birth story.



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