Happy weekend from Minnesota! We traveled last week for my cousin’s wedding (this is one of our attempts at a family photo). Since Jim has finals and a school trip the next couple of weeks, I decided to stay with my parents. It’s great to have an extra set of hands (or two) with Lawson and Sybil.
After my 30-day barre challenge I started to lose commitment to working out. In an effort to get beach ready for summer, I started BBG this week. I’ve only done two workouts, but my initial assessment is they are basic, but hard. Lots of squats, lunges, pushups and sit ups. So sore! I still have some ab separation and am modifying the ab exercises and also mixing in short runs.
I’ve been a long-time reader of Gal Meets Glam and was excited to see Julia launch a collection of dresses. I’m itching to see them in person. All of the reviews rave about the quality. The dresses are sold at Nordstrom and at Gal Meets Glam and would be perfect for summer weddings, Mother’s Day or Derby parties. Crossing my fingers this one comes back in stock in my size for our family photos this summer!
We’ve been spending a ton of time outside this week playing in the yard and running/scootering on the path near my parent’s house. Sybil wants to do anything Lawson does and even started using his scooter yesterday (there’s a video on Instagram stories for a few more hours). She’s awesome.
This weekend we’re starting it off with a play date, making cinnamon rolls tomorrow and then my brother is coming to spend the day with us on Sunday.
Cleaning out my email inbox has been on my to do list for months (or years?). It’s even on my 101 in 1001 list. This week I finally tackled the task and I’m happy to report I have 3-5 emails in my inbox. It feels so, so good. Like most things that I put off, it actually took much less time than I had anticipated.
I got a second opinion on a dental issue and confirmed I need braces again. I have a permanent retainer on my bottom front teeth. When it was replaced five years ago, it was put on wrong and has been pulling one tooth forward so much that my root is exposed. Braces round 3 here I come!
I picked up these shorts and shirt for Sybil at Target yesterday. I’m a big fan of their Cat & Jack line for both Lawson and Sybil. I also spotted this dress from Zara which would be so cute for Memorial Day and 4th of July.