In honor of Mother’s Day I put together a list of 20 things I learned in my first 2 years of motherhood. It’s been a wild, crazy, sleep deprived, fun two years. It’s hard to believe this was my 3rd Mother’s Day. I thought I earned it that first year after a month of sleepless nights. Ha, I truly earned it this past year! We had a great day starting with donuts for breakfast, a visit to the peach festival and sushi takeout. It was pretty much perfect.
20 Things I Learned in my First 2 Years of Motherhood
- I have more patience than I thought possible.
- Bodily functions of your children are totally normal discussion topics.
- It truly is a love unlike anything I’ve ever known.
- PBS is my best friend. Sesame Street, Super Whys and Thomas & Friends, I couldn’t get anything done without you.
- Motherhood is not sexy. I’m talking to you saggy boobs and squishy stomach.
- I thought I was tired before I had kids. Then I thought I was tired when I had one. Turns out it was nothing compared to what I feel today.
- Going to bed at 8pm on a Friday night is acceptable.
- Motherhood is hard. Physically, mentally and emotionally hard.
- It’s okay to love your children differently.
- We’re all doing the best we can to make the best decisions for our kids.
- Each child is different.
- Date night is important. Like really, really important.
- Two kids is more than double the work. It’s also more than double the fun.
- I will learn all the words to Thomas & Friends. And sing them as a goodnight lullaby.
- I’m not as good of a friend as I once was. I don’t always remember important dates and find time to get together way less than I’d like.
- You will get your life back. It will be different but better.
- Watching your daughter laugh at your son is priceless.
- You can go so many days between showers that you forget when you last had one.
- Shopping for kids clothes is almost as fun as shopping for myself. Almost, but not quite. Shopping for boy’s clothes is just as much fun as shopping for girl’s clothes.
- The days are long, but the years are short. It’s a cliche, but it’s 100% true.