shirt: gap; jeans: blank denim and ag; booties: sam edelman; handbag: marc by marc jacobs
Do you ever find an outfit on Pinterest and want to recreate it for yourself only to find the photo links to Tumblr which doesn’t list any sources? Or the photo is from last year and the original items are no longer available? Happens to me alllll the time.
Because I’m such a kind person, I thought I’d take a recent outfit from Pinterest and recreate it with current items at a reasonable price (except for the handbag, I couldn’t pass it up). The gingham and booties are also a great way to start the transition into fall. Since I love a bargain, I generally wait until a sale to make a purchase at both Gap and Piperlime.
Do you have any Pinterest inspiration you’re dying to recreate? If so, send it my way and I’ll see what I can do!