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Weekend in Santa Monica

Today’s post is one I look forward to each month – another linkup with EmPress Themes! This time the topic is goals. After reading through, make sure you check out the rest of the posts. They are probably more on point than mine!

When I first saw the topic for April’s linkup, my anxiety went up a few notches. Nothing makes me panic like thinking about my goals. Whether it’s the next 30 days, six months, year or five, the truth is I have no idea what my goals are. 

Before I became a mom, I had all kinds of goals. Work goals, blog goals, fitness goals. After I had Lawson, I was better about maintaining balance in my life. I started training for a half marathon. Took barre classes. Blogged (somewhat) consistently. Since Sybil was born almost 20 months ago, my life has been anything but balanced. Motherhood consumes me. Even I recognize the lack of balance is unhealthy. 

Back to goals. Sometimes I joke that each day my goal is merely to survive. It’s meant as a joke, but not really. Being a stay at home mom to two toddlers is exhausting, mind numbing, oftentimes frustrating. So why do I do it? Because I cannot bring myself to miss the little moments that make up their lives. Sybil dancing whenever she gets excited. Lawson’s million questions each day. The cliche “the days are long but the years are short” is so, so true. I don’t believe I’ll look back on these years and regret spending my days with Lawson and Sybil. (Anytime I talk about staying home with them, I feel like I have to balance it by saying how grateful I am that I have the option to stay at home. I know many parents don’t and would love to be in my position.)

Back to goals (again), I guess my #1 goal is to develop a better balance in my life. To find a preschool for Lawson, enroll both Lawson and Sybil in an activity or two (Sybil desperately needs a safe place to climb because the girl is adventurous), find a babysitter for the occasional date night and me time. 

Jim graduates in less than three months. We have no idea where the next few months will take us. Our first choice is Denver, but that might require a leap of faith. As an admitted control freak, moving without a job is a bit terrifying. But if I’ve learned anything the past 8 months, it’s that home really is wherever we are all together. It’s my goal to accept the unexpected and enjoy the adventure.

If we only have two months left in LA, I want to make the most of them. I guess you could call these my short-term goals.

  1. Go to the beach every weekend
  2. Make plans to see friends
  3. Visit the Outdoor Voices store in West Hollywood
  4. Have a weekend staycation with a friend
  5. Take family pictures at the beach (scheduled for July 9th!)

It turns out I do have a few goals. Just don’t ask me what I want to do in a year or three. I have no idea and my heart is starting to race. ;)

Don’t forget to check out these other lovely bloggers and read more!

Fonderlove | Not for Wallflowers | Monica Dutia | The Good Living Blog | Victoria McGinley | VICILOVES | Sincerely, Dani Rose | Elembee | EmDash


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