It’s been almost a week since my heart was stolen. Lawson James Cole was born on April 9th at 10:38pm measuring a long, skinny 21 1/2 inches and weighing 7 pounds and 8 ounces. I never understood how you could feel such love so quickly.
I’ll share more details about his birth later, but the short story is my water broke early Thursday morning. After attempts throughout the day to advance my contractions failed, we followed our doctor’s recommendation to deliver via cesarean section. In the end it didn’t matter to us how he was born as long as it was safe for both of us and he was healthy.
We spent the weekend in the hospital and came home on Monday afternoon. I’ve been consumed with learning this thing called parenthood and settling into our home as a family of three. I plan to take next week off of regular blog posts too, but I’ll be back on Monday, April 27th. In the meantime, follow along with me on Instagram for updates on Lawson and my adventures on getting out of my pajamas and leaving the house.
Thank you for all of your love and support!
Congratulations!! He is beautiful!