Since we’re past the halfway point of the year (how did that happen?!), I wanted to share an update on my top 5 intentions. Read my last update here and the original post here. The biggest change in my life since the last update is easily quitting my job. While I miss my friends and co-workers daily, I am enjoying a freedom I haven’t had for over 15 years. Reality may set in this fall when I need to figure out what I want to do next. For now I’m enjoying it!
1. Eat breakfast: A (last update: A)
They say it takes 21 days to make something a habit. I think I’ve managed to accomplish it with eating a healthy breakfast each day. I rotate between eggs, toast with peanut butter and banana, and a smoothie. I honestly believe it helps me eat less throughout the day.
2. Grow blog: B (last update: C+)
While I’m not yet where I want to be, I’m making good progress on this intention. I went to Alt Summit, a conference for bloggers, in June and left with some great ideas (see my recap here). I revamped my About page and Daily Reads of other blogs that I love. I’m also in the process of creating a Facebook page for Luv in the Bubble and so close to 100 followers on Pinterest and Instagram with Twitter not too far behind. More on those in the next couple of weeks!
3. Improve posture: D (last update: D)
I struggle with this intention each year, but I keep adding it because I want to make improvements. I recently read about a new product called Lumo that helps with improving posture. It’s a belt with a sensor that you wear. It reminds you to straighten up, tracks the amount of time you spend sitting and how many times you stand up throughout the day. If I don’t make progress soon, I may need to pick it up.
4. Be active: B- (last update: A)
I had a 3 month period that I slacked off on this one, hence the reason for the grade of B-. Like a lot of people, I didn’t have the motivation or ambition to make working out a priority. I’m rebounding and this time it might stick. When I started running 10+ years ago, I was very consistent with a routine of 3 miles three or four days a week. I’ve taken off the pressure of increasing speed or mileage and just running for fun. Mixing in some P90X3 for strength training and I feel great!
5. Choose happiness: A (last update: B-)
I’m midway through the 100 happy days challenge (connect on Instagram to follow along). I really enjoy deciding what I’m going to do for myself each day and photographing it. It can be as simple as an iced tea or reading a book to a trip to the beach or new pair of shoes. I’ve only missed a couple of days so far!
Do you remember your intentions for 2014 or are they gone and forgotten?!