Ahh December. I hardly said hello to November and here we are in the last month of the year. We’ve got a holiday party, I’m taking a one night solo trip to Phoenix to see my girlfriends and then we’re all heading to Arizona for the holidays. Cheers to a festive and busy month ahead!
This week has been quite good. You may have seen on Instagram Stories that I went for a run on Tuesday morning and both kids were still sleeping when I got back at 7am. It felt like I’d won the lottery! I know I keep saying it, but Lawson and Sybil are at such a fun age right now. They interact more and more each day. In the past day, Lawson has become very protective of Sybil (or Bee as he calls her). If she’s doing something she shouldn’t, he’ll run over and try to help her.
A Cup of Jo is one of my favorite blogs to read, particularly the posts on motherhood. I read The Best Thing My Mom Did as a Parent recently and it’s been on my mind. I regularly tell Lawson and Sybil that I love them. It’s important to me that they know I love them no matter what. So I’ve started to tell each of them “I love you always and forever. No matter what” as part of their bedtime routine. For Lawson I’ll add examples (I love you when you’re happy and I love you when you’re sad. I love you when you’re silly and I love you when you’re mad). He gives me a shy smile every time.
This weekend we’re surprisingly free of plans. I’d like to spend some time working on blog stuff, pick up a few holiday gifts and bundle up for a trip to the beach. We’ll see where the weekend takes us. Have a wonderful weekend friends!
It’s been a couple of weeks since I did a proper weekend roundup. My high point since the last one was definitely spending two nights at the Ojai Valley Inn with Jim. Our first true vacation in 3 years! It was fantastic to spend time together. We went for a run, biked into town, shopped, relaxed at the pool, played tennis and actually had real conversations that happen too infrequently in the midst of our everyday lives. Sure I missed Lawson and Sybil (and shed a tear more than once), but I’m already looking forward to our next one!
The fact that so few of my Black Friday purchases have arrived! Anyone else find their packages are sent to the postal service for final delivery more and more lately? They are so slow. It drives me crazy. I’m a little obsessive about tracking deliveries since we live in an apartment building!
If you’re pregnant or have kids 18 months or younger, the wonder weeks app is a lifesaver. I wasn’t aware of it when Lawson was young, but have been using it with Sybil. The app informs you when your child is going through big development leaps, which may make them clingy, sleep less and cranky. It’s been spot on with Sybil almost to the day. There is also a wonder weeks book that I wish we would have had (it would make a great baby gift).