
Weekend Roundup: No. 202

Rocky Mountain National Park

This week we set off on an adventure to Rocky Mountain National Park. It was just a quick day trip, but we had a blast exploring (more in my high point below). We enjoyed it so much we’re contemplating a one night camping trip next week. Are we crazy for camping with a two and three year old?

It took almost 100 pages to really get into The Great Alone, but once I did I couldn’t put it down. I stayed up reading until midnight on Friday and finished it in Saturday. I highly recommend. Now back to that parenting book…anyone else struggle to get through parenting books??! 

I’m not a twin and don’t have twins, but I loved reading Naomi’s post about raising twin girls. Lawson and Sybil are close enough in age that I find myself comparing their milestones. This post was another reminder that they are individuals and to treat them as such. The comments were great to read too!

I’m 10 days into my mini Whole30. While I’ve cheated a few times (GF pretzels when I was carsick, a vegan DF ice cream), I’m accomplishing what I set out to do which is less snacking and eating more whole foods. I am hungry ALL.THE.TIME and my running is pretty terrible. I need to eat more, especially the mornings I run and Lawson has preschool.   

I shared Lawson’s birth story over on The Mama Notes this week. It was fun to relive that special period, which sometimes feels like so long ago. There isn’t a ton of information about pregnancies with a large fibroid. If sharing my story helps another momma to be, I’m happy to spread the word!

I haven’t been as structured with my running schedule the past two weeks. This weekend I want to get back into it with a long run. Lawson and Sybil might experience their first parade for Broomfield Days (yep, we are definitely in suburban life).


On Wednesday we drove to Rocky Mountain National Park for the day. While walking around Sprague Lake, we stopped for lunch by a creek. Afterwards, Lawson and I walked back to the trail to find 15 elk cooling off in the lake. It was amazing. Jim and I remarked a sight like that is what’s so great about national parks. You literally run into animals in their natural habitat.


Lawson is still having a hard time adjusting to recent changes. The move, transition out of a crib and starting preschool have thrown him for a loop. He’s been resisting a nap and then gets aggressive with Sybil. We’re trying to help him through it while also remembering it’s just another phase.


When we moved, I donated our 9×13 baking dish (mostly because I couldn’t fit it in a remaining box). I wanted a slight upgrade from the pyrex we had and found this grey baking dish at Crate & Barrel. I guess it’s technically for lasagna (which I can’t remember the last time I made), but I’m using it for roasting a chicken and veggies.

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