Welcome to the weekend. This week wasn’t our best. It wasn’t bad, just not our best. I spent too much time online, which directly correlates to all of our happiness. Fortunately I’ve learned to recognize it and most of the time it’s an easy fix. Yesterday I put away my laptop during the day and made an effort to be on my phone less. It wasn’t perfect, but it was a better day.
I have shifted to mentioning most sales in my weekly newsletter, but wanted to highlight one today. Madewell has 20% off most items, including my everyday tote (full review here), black jeans (worn in photo above), denim jacket (size up 1-2 sizes), and white jeans. While I own other Madewell items, these are the pieces I wear the most and would repurchase. You do have to be a Madewell Insider, which is free to sign up.
Have you watched The Home Edit on Netflix? I watched the first two episodes this week. As someone that lives for a good closet cleanup and organization, I thought it was interesting. It’s less about redoing a space and more about organizing it to work for the person. They don’t try to change someone. They work with their personality (i.e., if the person likes to have a lot of stuff, they don’t force them to purge). It also made me realize that I am very much a minimalist because all that stuff made me anxious!
For the past several years, I’ve sold gently used items on Poshmark (I’m @ericakartak if you want to find me there). This year I started buying a few items from the site as well. So far I’ve purchased a pair of Citizens of Humanity jeans, a Clare V clutch, and a Rebecca Minkoff sweatshirt with no complaints. They were all at least 50% less than I would have paid to buy them new.
I would definitely recommend checking Poshmark if there’s an item you want, but don’t necessarily want to pay full price for either because it’s an expensive piece or maybe something trendier that you aren’t sure you’ll like. The latter was this Rebecca Minkoff sweatshirt for me. To purchase it new it would have been $88. Instead I paid $30 (+ tax & shipping). At that price, I felt that even if it didn’t end up working for me, I’d be able to resell it.
I shared another Cup of Jo post in last week’s newsletter and I’m back with another this week. If you aren’t following Cup of Jo, you really should. In Wednesday’s post, she asked about the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you. There are over 600 comments (and counting), which are such a mood lifter.
At this stage of life, if someone tells me I’m a good mother, I immediately get teary. Motherhood can be such a thankless “job” for the countless meals that are made, books read and stories told. Plus, you have no idea how you’re doing at it – no one gives you a performance review. So for someone to recognize me at motherhood is priceless.
Reading that post was a reminder of how meaningful it is to say and hear nice things. Yesterday a friend messaged me to say she loved my fall capsule post and that she was inspired by it. It made my day!
This weekend Lawson has a golf lesson tomorrow, I ordered a peach cobbler from a local peach “festival” to pick up tomorrow, and a bookcase we ordered weeks ago is scheduled to be delivered. We’ll mix in a lot of watching the US Open on TV. Lawson is obsessed with watching golf on the weekend. He’d sit in front of the TV all day if we let him.
As for me, I need to spend some time recharging for next week. I hope you find time to do the same!
We got some yard work done this week. I was happy to cross something off my list!
Our general “off” feeling most of the week. Never feeling as productive as I’d like to be.