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It’s a happy Friday around here! Well, aren’t all Fridays happy? My parents arrived yesterday for a visit. We’ve got a hike, food, date night and lots of outdoor time on the agenda for the weekend. The weather is supposed to be beautiful. Sorry east coasters, I promise I’m not bragging! Have a wonderful weekend. Stay warm and enjoy the sunshine if you can!
Did you hear the Academy Award nominations were announced last week? While I never manage to see all of the Best Picture nominations, I at least like to see a few of them before the awards roll around. We started with The Martian last weekend. I really enjoyed it. It’s funny and serious at the same time. I gave it 4 1/2 stars (out of 5). Jim is a little pickier with his films and gave it 4 stars.
When we went meatless for a month or so late last year, one of my favorite discoveries was these butternut quinoa enchiladas. I made them again the week. They are delicious! After filling 8 enchiladas, I had almost half of the filling left. So you could either reduce the recipe by half or freeze any unused portion for later like I did.
At our last girl’s night, my friend Patty gave us all a wet brush as our party favor. Have you ever heard of one? I hadn’t, but now that I’ve used it twice I’m obsessed. It’s like a detangler and head massage in one.