Today is an extra special TGIF. We’re on our way to Hawaii this morning! It’s a family vacation to celebrate Jim’s dad’s upcoming 60th birthday. We’re staying on Oahu so send any recommendations my way!
The last time we went to Hawaii, I was pregnant with Lawson. It seems appropriate that we’re going again during this pregnancy. I have lots of happy memories of our last vacation in Hawaii. We had his name picked out, but kept it a secret until he was born. Well except for the couple that saw us keep writing his name in the sand and trying to take a sunset photo before the waves washed it away! This will be a different trip (i.e., less relaxing with a 1 year-old), but I know we’ll make lots of great memories too. And who knows, maybe we’ll get another name picture during sunset. :)
Other than spending time exploring our resort this weekend, we’ll be watching the US Open and celebrating Father’s Day on Sunday. Follow along with our adventures on Instagram and Snapchat (erica.kartak). You’re sure to see a cute little guy running around the beach and lots of gorgeous sunsets!
This monogram coaster in the perfect shade of grey. Honestly, I didn’t even realize it was a coaster until I looked it up online. I would use it to hold jewelry on my dresser or bathroom counter. I also love all the off the shoulder tops and dresses from Wednesday’s post. Oh and this long-sleeved boho dress from BR. Sadly, there’s no way this belly is fitting into it anytime soon!
I’ve been pinning up a storm this week. Lots of style inspiration and this quinoa salad recipe. I can’t wait to try it when we get back from vacation!
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