The return to single parenting this week combined with warm temperatures left me a little lazy. It was too hot to go to the park and I didn’t plan much for our days which always makes them longer than when we make an effort to get out of the house. So that’s already my goal for next week.
This weekend I’d love to head to the beach. We haven’t been since the end of August. With plans the next few weekends, if we don’t go now another month will go by before we have the chance again. And what’s the point of living in LA if you don’t go to the beach??
After finding myself consuming too many sweets and spending too much time on Facebook, I made a couple of changes. #1 – I deleted my Facebook app. Now I check from my laptop once every day or two. I haven’t missed it. #2 – I’m giving up sweets for 30 days. I started on Tuesday and the first couple of days have been a little hard. I’m replacing my after the kids are in bed chocolate with a small bowl of popcorn instead.
Tuckernuck is quickly becoming one of my favorite spots for online shopping. They carry Saint James which makes the perfect striped shirt. It’s my favorite shirt I own (worn here, here, here and here) and one of my investment pieces. The shirt along with everything else at Tuckernuck is 20% off this weekend. And because I’ve never met a striped shirt I didn’t like, I have my eye on this one too.
Sybil has all 4 of her molars! The last one popped through on Wednesday night. Fingers crossed this means more sleep for all of us soon.
While I don’t have a true low point this week, I’d consider my lack of planning and general laziness a low.
After being pregnant or nursing for more than the past 3 years (yikes, that seems like a LONG time), I was in need of a new, non-nursing bralette to wear to bed. I had seen rave reviews on Lively. I ordered a few items and love the busty bralette and bikini underwear. I’m still nursing Sybil once in early morning so haven’t worn it a lot, but I am pretty sure I’ll end up with another one on my wish list soon.
Just when I think parenting Lawson and Sybil is hard, I’m reminded how much scarier and difficult it will be in a few years. Keeping them safe now is relatively easy. I am not ready for the day they start asking for their own phones and aren’t sleeping next door to me. Since I have a family history of depression, this article on kids, smartphones and depression hit home.
Have a wonderful weekend friends!