The last of my gift guides related to books, this one is for the toddlers in your life. We’ve spent hours at the bookstore and library researching books for this gift guide.
This guide is coming to you a day late. Motherhood and the start of a head cold got the best of me. Sorry!
Books we personally own or have had from the library are indicated with an asterisk. You can find more of our favorite books for toddlers here.
2019 Holiday Gift Guide: Books for Toddlers
ONE // Love, Z: By the same author as one of our all-time favorites, Not Quite Narwhal, this book about a robot that goes on an adventure to find out the meaning of love is high on our personal wish list this holiday season.
TWO // High Five*: Sybil got this book for her birthday and it’s been in heavy rotation ever since. It’s a fun one to read too.
THREE // The Good Egg: We recently checked out The Bad Seed from the library and now want to get The Good Egg. The next book in this series, The Cool Bean, will be released on December 3rd and would be another great gift option.
FOUR // Good Night, Little Blue Truck: Sometimes subsequent books don’t live up to the original, but this one is another cute story from the friendly little blue truck.
FIVE // The Day the Crayons Quit*: After I put out a call on Instagram with requests for new books, my friend mentioned The Day the Crayons Quit. It is my favorite new book we’ve purchased so far this year.
SIX // Unplugged: I saw this book on my friend Mandy’s site and thought it looked so cute. And couldn’t we all use another reminder to unplug??!
SEVEN // Not a Box*: A simple book that encourages a healthy dose of imagination, this is perfect for any child that likes to turn a cardboard box into an adventure.
EIGHT // I Want My Hat Back*: I’m not going to lie, after reading this book every night for the past two weeks I’m a little tired of it. But, Sybil loves it so I read it with a smile.
NINE // The Little Snowplow Wishes for Snow*: On one of our reconnaissance missions to the bookstore, we came across The Little Snowplow Wishes for Snow. We related to the snowplow’s wish to wake up to a snowy wonderland.
TEN // Grumpy Monkey*: All of his friends try to get Jim the monkey out of his grumpy mood. I like that the book teaches it’s okay to be grumpy while also showing how the monkey changed by the end.
ELEVEN // I Wonder: A beautifully illustrated book with clever questions. “Do my toys miss me when I’m gone?” “I wonder if shoes feel bad when they don’t fit me anymore.”
TWELVE // The Pigeon Has to Go to School*: The latest in the pigeon series is always a good one. It would be great for a little one getting prepared to go to school next year.
THIRTEEN // The Fate of Fausto: As parents, one of the books we love to read is Here We Are. The Fate of Fausto is the newest release by the same author about a man that believed he owned everything, but it was never enough.
FOURTEEN // Feelings*: Perhaps because I’m not great at expressing my feelings, I’m always looking for books to help me explain and teach them to Lawson and Sybil. I saw Feelings at our local toy store and picked it up for Sybil’s Christmas gift.
FIFTEEN // A Giraffe and a Half*: This is no longer in our every night rotation, but when we do read it, we always laugh. I was a fan of Shel Silverstein when I was growing up and am happy to read his books to my children.
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