tank: gap; shirt: j crew; jacket: banana republic; jeans: a pea in the pod (similar non-maternity here); boots: sam edelman; handbag: clare v; bracelets: david yurman (here, here and here), alex and ani; rings; david yurman; watch: shinola
If you remember my capsule wardrobe, you’ll notice these jeans weren’t on it. I can no longer fit into two pairs of jeans that I had included. I broke down and bought this pair. In my defense, they were on sale. I know I broke my own rule, but I couldn’t take wearing the same two pairs for the next couple of months. They’re actually really comfortable.
I’ve already talked about my love of these Sam Edelman booties. I reach for them multiple times a week. They can dress up an outfit without adding a high heel, which is perfect for me these days. Piperlime has a few colors left at 25% off. I highly recommend them. I’d love to pick them up in black too, but I’ve already broken my capsule wardrobe rule once this week!