shirt: banana republic (similar here); sweatshirt: h&m (non-maternity here); jeans: a pea in the pod; boots: sam edelman; bag: clare v; bracelets: david yurman (here, here and here), alex and ani; ring: david yurman; watch: shinola; sunglasses: kate spade
I’ve been pretty good about shopping for maternity clothes, trying to mix non-maternity pieces I can wear next year with some maternity basics. When I saw this sweatshirt at H&M a few months ago, I knew I had to pick it up. It reminded me of a non-maternity version my friend had and it looked so cute on her! I’ve already mentioned how layering has been key the past few months. This red plaid shirt gives a pop of color to an otherwise neutral outfit (Banana Republic has so many cute shirts and dresses right now, they’ve really stepped up their game)!
such a cute look! you look AWESOME! i’m digging that sweatshirt :-) xo
Thank you Megan! The best is when it’s cute and comfortable!!