TGIF! Even with Lawson’s daily destruction of something new, it’s been a good week (and how can I resist that face?!) We had some family visits and even a sleepover with Jim’s sisters. Tomorrow I’m paying a visit to my favorite stylist, Patty, at The Waverly for a cut and color. There’s something about a fresh style that feels so good. And for someone that hates to do her hair (hand raised, jumping up and down!!), the idea of Patty doing it for me is heaven. I always say if I won the lottery, I’d pay someone to style it for me 3x a week. It would be money well spent. Whatever you’re up this weekend, have a great one!!
I recently picked up this top and dress and am in love with both of them! The top is perfect with white jeans. And I’ve wanted a new white dress for years. There’s something so crisp and spring/summery about it! The dress also comes in a gorgeous coral that would look great with a bit more of a tan.
I’ve been trying to read more at night instead of scrolling Instagram for the 100th time. I’m not always as good about it as I’d like, but I’m making an effort. I am currently reading Creative Confidence: Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All after receiving it for Christmas. It’s still early, but I’m intrigued.
With my upcoming hair appointment, I’ve found myself pinning lighter styles as we head into the official launch of spring. I’m especially loving this and this. Find me on Pinterest here and follow along for all things style, beauty and food inspiration!