
Weekend Roundup



This week has been a good one. It started off with a brunch on Monday with two girlfriends at one of my favorite Phoenix spots, Chestnut. Then I had a little more time with my brother before he headed back to Minnesota. Yesterday I got a break from Lawson during the day while he played with his grandma and took myself out to lunch (again to Chestnut!) and got a manicure and pedicure. Tomorrow we head to Portland for a few days. I realize I’ve got a good thing going! I apologize in advance for the over-gramming and snapchats that are to come. I hope your weekend plans are equally as fabulous. Don’t forget to celebrate your mom on Sunday!




One thing I’ve learned about style is never say never. There are trends that come and go. Things I’ve sworn I wouldn’t wear again, I find myself reconsidering. One such item is Birkenstock sandals. I still have a hard time believing it, but they were my #2 item on my Mother’s Day wish list. We picked a copper Arizona style out together last weekend (which really look more like rose gold in person)! I’m pretty excited to officially open them on Sunday.



My girlfriend made us these paleo jalapeno chicken burgers at our girl’s night last week. They were so yummy, I had to make them again for us this week. I see them becoming a summer staple. I definitely recommend adding some avocado mix on top! Next time I’ll be pairing them with sweet potato fries or roasted veggies on the grill.



I saw a book about decluttering and organizing yesterday and my immediate thought was “I effing love getting rid of stuff!” I feel like that means it’s time for me to do some purging.  (The book is The Joy of Less. I can’t personally vouch for it, but it gets great reviews on Amazon.) And once I’m done with our place, I’ll come to yours. :)



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