My parents arrived on Monday and I’ve been taking full advantage of getting out of the house for some alone time. I got my hair freshened up and spent time writing blog posts at a coffee shop. This afternoon I’m getting a manicure and pedicure. Maybe Jim and I will even sneak in a date night when he gets home tomorrow night!
Because life is never as rosy as Instagram would make it appear, I have to tell you I’m struggling with this motherhood gig. I briefly touched on it in Sybil’s 5 month photo, but she still isn’t sleeping well. I sound like a broken record, but almost every morning I wonder how I’ll make it through another day. I am so tired. I feel like a shell of my former self. I know getting back into a workout routine is key for me to get out of this funk. I don’t know how I can get up early to workout though. Half the time I feel like a ticking time bomb…I get so easily frustrated with Sybil when she’s up at night and then feel bad because she’s obviously not choosing to be awake. And of course I feel guilty because there are too many parents that have lost a child and would do anything to hold them in the middle of the night. All this to say…parenthood is hard. It’s stressful and it’s exhausting. I knew two kids under two would be hard, but I didn’t know it would be this tough. And yet I live for those two and their smiles.
So after that downer rant, have a wonderful weekend. Whatever your plans include, I hope you get lots of sleep. Rest up for me!
I’ve been sharing more of my everyday outfits on Instagram Stories and am constantly wearing my Sam Edelman Petty booties (also seen here, here and here). This is my third winter wearing them. My cost per wear is pennies at this point. They truly are the best – comfortable and look good with everything. I reach for them more than any other shoe in my closet.
How many of these words to watch do you use? I’m terrible with 1, 5, 8 and 10. Looks like I’ve got some work to do. Can I also add “so” to this list?
I realize not everyone is as distraught with the current state of our country as I am. But, if you are, please call your elected officials. This article explains why you should call, not email, your legislators. The Women’s March was so inspiring last Saturday. Let’s keep that momentum going!
In case you missed it earlier this week: Family Lifestyle Session and My Best Purchase of 2016.