Oh how I love a short week! I might say this every week, but this one has been a doozy. Lawson hasn’t napped all week. Sybil followed up sleeping 11 hours straight with waking up twice a night. She’s getting another two teeth and wants to be held. I actually loved holding her the past couple of nights. She wasn’t crying or fussy, just wanted to be held while she drifted back to sleep.
Lawson is talking more and more. Last night after reading a funny book, he said “oh mama” in the cutest way. It kind of makes up for the fact “no” has officially replaced mama as his favorite word.
He’s also testing his limits on the daily. From pushing Sybil to spitting on furniture and pillows (it’s more of a heavy drool than a true spit, but still…) to opening the stove and turning on burners, I cannot keep up with him. I’m reading No-Drama Discipline to get a fresh perspective. I’m only on chapter 3, but it’s fascinating learning more about how the brain works.
Today we’re continuing our new Friday treats tradition with a walk to get cupcakes. Tomorrow we’re going to experience our first USC tailgate and Sunday is so far free of plans.
On Monday we hiked Solstice Canyon in Malibu with Lawson and Sybil. It had been a LONG time since we last hiked. It brought back lots of pre-kid memories. While the hike was more strenuous than we were expecting, it felt great to get outside and be active.
I set my alarm to get up early and run twice this week. I didn’t get out of bed. I almost always feel disappointed in myself when I don’t.
Fall is coming. I have a feeling I’ll be wearing this striped long-sleeve tee starting soon. A tee and jeans is definitely my go to uniform.