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Let’s all breathe a sigh of relief for making it to Friday again. It might finally feel a little bit like fall around here this weekend. And for that I am truly excited. I’ve got some catching up on my favorite shows that returned this week. I see some Scandal and Modern Family in my future (mixed with the Ryder Cup) and a date night on Saturday. I’m looking forward to an excuse to get dressed up a bit!
A few links for your reading pleasure…
- Watch Emma Watson’s UN speech on gender equality
- Wondering what your decor style is? Take this quiz and find out (mine is streamlined minimalist – no surprise there)
- I’ve seen this article on Instagram vs. real life a couple of times now. There’s a lot of truth to it!
- Enjoyed this interview with Stitch Fix CEO Katrina Lake, especially finding out she grew up in Minnesota. Now I need to figure out why I’ve never heard of a bootleg.
- Some interesting facts about bedding. My mom and I were just talking about thread count. Higher doesn’t mean better!
Have a wonderful weekend filled with pumpkins, apples and football!