Hello, hello. Happy first Friday in September! How did that happen??! Bring on the fall leaves.
We had a completely average week. Settling into a routine in Denver has been great. Lawson’s loves preschool and looks forward to going each day. Sybil and I started a gymnastics class. We found a place for kid’s haircuts and Lawson got a much needed one this week. Poor kid kept saying his hair was in his eyes!
Lawson and Sybil are still sharing a bedroom, which I both love and hate. They were each sick with a cold at different times and kept the other up a couple nights this week.
My go to planner launched their 2019 collection this week. I tried another planner last year and made the switch back by March. Now I’m sticking with the Emily Ley Simplified Planner. I am loyal to the daily version and went with watercolor floral one for 2019. You can read more about why I love it here and here.
Last weekend I deleted the Instagram app from my phone on Saturday morning. The first 12 hours were a wakeup call. I found myself mindlessly going to open it before remembering that I had deleted it. I may continue it this weekend and also delete the Facebook app. After the initial withdrawal, I quite enjoyed it!
Since I wasn’t scrolling Instagram in that hour before I fell asleep at night, I started reading The Great Alone. I’m less than 100 pages into it, but it’s easily a book I could read in 1-2 sittings if I had more time. For now I’m content with reading a chapter or two each night and then forcing myself to put it down so I can get some sleep.
In last week’s J. Crew sale post, I mentioned my struggles in finding pants that fit Lawson. I’m super happy to report the jeans and cords I ordered for him work great! They both have elastic in the waistband that is adjustable.
I started a mini Whole30 on Tuesday. I’m planning on doing it for 2 weeks to restart healthier habits as we get into fall. While I didn’t miss alcohol at all last time, we’ve been sitting on the deck with a glass of wine or moscow mule while grilling out and it’s become one of my favorite ways to end the day since we moved to Denver. It’s only been two days and already I’m shocked about how much snacking I do. I’ve had to stop myself from grabbing one of Sybil’s crackers or Lawson’s avocado toast.
This weekend our couch is finally getting delivered! Saturday night we’re going to the fall festival at Lawson’s preschool. I’ve been in a good routine of a long run on Saturday mornings while Jim and the kids go to the park. Overall nothing too exciting, but a quality weekend nonetheless!
Yesterday afternoon I went to the library to get a few things crossed off my to do list. It was great to have dedicated time to focus. I felt so productive!
I was so anxious about remembering to pick up Lawson from preschool on Tuesday that I messed up the time of Sybil’s gymnastics class. We arrived at 10:45 instead of 10:30. Oops.
I shared my recent J. Crew purchases on Instagram Stories earlier this week (I saved it to Highlights if you missed it and want to check it out). I was counting on returning at least 2 of the items I purchased, but ended up really liking everything! If I had to pick a favorite, it’s probably the ruffle neck sweater. I did a poll on Instagram between the pink and heather nickel. The pink won 54%-46%.
As for my kid’s find of the week, it has to be this chambray shirt from Gap. I got it for Sybil during a recent sale. She’s already worn it twice. It’s on sale again for $18 and comes in sizes 12 months to 5 years. I can’t wait to twin with her!
How we chose names for our children (and the ones we didn’t choose!)
PSA: J. Crew Sale (spoiler alert, I like it all)
How we chose names for our children