I am certain I’m not the only one that no longer remembers what day it is. I also can’t seem to recall when I last washed my hair or if my kids brushed their teeth in the morning. Thankfully I never forget when it’s time for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Colorado issued a statewide shelter-in-place order on Thursday, which is basically what we’ve been doing for the past two weeks anyway. Jim has gone out a couple of times for groceries or to pick up ice cream. Lawson’s birthday is in 13 days and I wanted to make sure we had his favorite ice cream to celebrate.
Any ideas how to make it special for him? I was thinking of posting in the preschool Facebook group and asking his classmates to send a short video saying happy birthday.
Sybil is feeling better. She’s been fever free for 3 days and her nose has finally slowed down acting like a faucet. She’s gone through 8 boxes of tissues in the past week alone! I seem to be the only one that got her cold so far. I’ve passed the tight chest and overall aches and have moved on to the congested head.
Our new pink chairs arrived this week. They look completely out of place since we still need a side or coffee table and a bookcase for the nearby wall. Lawson and Sybil love the swivel aspect so they can look out the window.
My parents were in New Zealand for almost a month. They got back on Monday night after their scheduled flight for Wednesday was cancelled. It’s nice to have them back stateside. And now New Zealand is on my travel wish list. Someday!
I started setting up “stations” for the kiddos each morning to encourage independent play. I was already tired of them asking me to play every two minutes and needed some time to myself. The stations usually include a combination of coloring pages, activity books (tracing, writing their full name), games, LEGOs, Magnatiles and yoga. It’s only been 3 days, but it’s been a lifesaver for all of us.
The signs of spring continue to show themselves, including Lawson and Sybil’s little white legs in the first wearing of shorts for the season.
We’ve had our fair share of minor low points this week, but we (and our families) are mostly healthy.
I wear my Everlane cashmere sweaters multiple times a week in fall and winter. This weekend only they are $75 compared to the usual $100. I wear the black and heather grey most often.
I finally finished City of Girls! I’m gathering my thoughts and rating, but I liked it and would recommend. I’ll have to flip a coin which book to start next – Anna K, Know My Name, Open Book or I’ll Give You the Sun. I’m leaning towards Anna K since it’s the only library book I have right now.