
Weekend Roundup: No. 276

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Happy Friday! There are those that believe the weekend no longer feels different than the rest of the week. I am not in that camp. I still long for the weekend when the days are less planned out and I can workout whenever I want to.

I rarely watch TV these days, but kind of miss it. I’ve been trying to sit down on the couch after the kids go to bed and watch a show. The other night I turned on a movie (gasp!) and watched Always Be My Maybe. I have a strict self-imposed 10pm bedtime so had to split the movie over two nights. It’s a cute rom-com with Ali Wong and Randal Park (I used to watch Fresh Off the Boat and thought he was hilarious in it). If you’re looking for a light movie to have on in the background, I recommend it.  

Yesterday we celebrated two years of living in Colorado! If you’ve been reading here for awhile, I think it’s safe to say you already know how much I love it. If not, let me tell you. I love that it’s a desert climate (I’ll take dry over humid any day), but I have a clear view of the mountains on my almost daily runs. I love that there’s so much to explore within a couple of hours. I love having a real fall and that the snow usually melts within a day. I love our neighbors and our neighborhood. Are you ready to move here yet?? The only downside is I miss my friends and family in Arizona daily. 

While the Nordstrom Anniversary sale is getting all the press, I’ve been perusing the Dermstore sale. Dermstore carries a ton of skincare, makeup and hair care brands. They have free shipping that always seems quicker than I expect. Right now they are having a sale up to 25% off select brands, including silk, Oribe, Indie Lee, Kjaer Weis and many others. I highly recommend checking it out if you’re in need of those items. 

Earlier this year I developed an egg intolerance. It’s happened to me once or twice before. If I stop eating eggs for a year or so, usually I’m able to go back to them. Hard boiled eggs don’t bother me, but eating fried/scrambled eggs results in very uncomfortable bloating, nausea and cramps that take 4-6 hours to go away. From the research I’ve done, it seems I may lack an enzyme needed to break down certain parts of the egg and then bacteria forms around it. Do you know anyone with an egg intolerance? Most people I tell about it think I’m crazy.  

I’ve been feeling really rundown the past 10 days. Sniffly nose, watery and itchy eyes, general fatigue. It finally dawned on me that maybe it was allergies. My dad confirmed fall allergies are definitely a thing and much worse than spring allergies for him. Turns out I must take after him. My mom recommended D-Hist a couple of years ago so I immediately started taking it on Wednesday. I felt relief within 24 hours. 

This weekend Jim is golfing in a tournament on Sunday, otherwise we have zero plans. We are having some interior painting done starting on Monday and need to clear out our closet and bathrooms. We are really close to ordering two pieces for our living room. The combination of those pieces and the painting are the next bigger home items on our list. It will feel great to make progress on them!


On Wednesday, I drove to Winter Park with Lawson and Sybil. We road the gondola, played mini-golf and they had ice cream. Before COVID, I don’t think I would have taken them. Now I think “why not, what else do we have to do?” Going on adventures with them will be one of my highlights of 2020. 


I hesitate to call it a low point because it’s just a part of childhood, but Sybil has been going through a developmental leap as she approaches her 4th birthday. As part of it, she’s been struggling with her sleep and developed a scream like no other. It’s hard to believe she’s been crying when in her carseat for almost four years. It’s so much worse when she isn’t sleeping well too.

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