Hello, hello! Somehow we’ve arrived at the last weekend in February. Sunday marks the end of my current round of Whole30. Woohoo! Overall I’m glad I did it. I tweaked the rules a bit, which I plan to share further in an upcoming post.

This week we continued our Monday tradition of finishing school in the morning and heading to a new to us park. It was windy and Lawson and Sybil didn’t want to go. I told them we would set the timer for 10 minutes and could leave afterwards. Of course, 50 minutes later I had to bribe them with a trip to Whole Foods to get them back into the car.
On Wednesday night, we had a huge snowstorm. I wished for a winter wonderland until it came time to shovel our driveway and sidewalks on Thursday morning. Holy crap, now I understand why people have heart attacks when shoveling. The snow was heavy.
Last Saturday I got home from a run just as Jim was getting the kids into the car to take them out for a few hours. I had 4 hours to myself. In my house. For the first time in almost a year. It was lovely.
This weekend we need to finish clearing out our basement. Construction starts next week! We haven’t quite figured out how to design the space, which isn’t ideal.
The high point of my week was on Wednesday when Madewell posted one of my photos on their feed. It was the mid-week pick me up I didn’t know I needed. While the Madewell pieces from the photo aren’t currently on sale, both the sweater blazer and shoes are 50% off.
It’s been a pretty good week without a truly low point.

I reach for this cardigan a lot. And then when I see it in outfit photos, I question why. It never looks like I think it does in my head.