
Little Luv Update: Pregnancy at 34 Weeks

pregnancy at 34 weeks

In case you’ve missed it, I started having preterm contractions around 33 weeks, which led to two trips to the hospital. They were able to stop the contractions and now I’m on medication until I hit 36 weeks. We joked that once I get to 36 weeks (at which point they would no longer try to stop the contractions), he’ll probably stay put for another month. It’s been a slightly scary, but also exciting, experience. I can’t imagine what it will feel like when we actually go to the hospital believing we’ll be bringing him home. Luckily throughout all of the contractions, the doctors and nurses have commented on how well he’s doing. He likes to put on a show for them and move around. Feeling him move never gets old. It’s still the craziest and coolest experience; I wish I could capture and memorize it!

And now on to the official little luv update:

Weeks: 34

Baby Size: Size of a cantaloupe (almost 18 inches); two weeks ago he measured at 5 lbs, 1 oz., which is still in the 50+ percentile

Fibroid Size: No changes to report

Weight Gain: almost 40 pounds

Cravings: I really haven’t experienced too many cravings throughout the past 8 months and certainly nothing crazy. Lately I’ve been in the mood for smoothies. Something about the cold and hydration.

Sleeping: Sleep has definitely gotten more difficult the past 4 weeks. As the baby has grown larger, it’s shifted the fibroid to the left more. I try to sleep on my left side, but the fibroid can get painful. Most nights I spend at least part of it on the couch. It’s softer and more comfortable. There’s certainly no sleeping through the night anymore!

Missing: Fitting into and shopping for clothes (see below).

Feeling: Amazed by all of the pregnancy effects that no one tells you about. The skin on my belly is stretched so thin, I break blood vessels if I accidentally hit it against something. I’ve grown these little skin tags that are just weird. My belly button could not be any flatter. And I started to see stretch marks around it last week (cue the sad face).

Wearing: I’m running out of options. My jeans are getting tight and shirts are too short. Just trying to hold out for a few more weeks. I may be dipping into Jim’s side of the closet too (except for that shirt I tried on that I couldn’t even button!)

Preparing: That first trip to the hospital really kicked our prep into high. The crib is set up, we have diapers and pajamas. The hospital bag is almost packed. We just need to put the car seat in the car. We’ve been taking a few classes at the hospital. After all of these months, it’s hard to believe the time is almost here!


And now for the comparison…

Pregnancy at 34 weeks


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