It’s hard to believe we’ll be ushering in a new year in 12 days. It’s always fun to look back on the year, including the styles and pieces that I wore and loved.
2017 was the first year in the past three I wasn’t pregnant for at least part of it. Prior to being pregnant, I never really struggled with my style. I certainly went through phases, some with better results than other, but I generally knew what worked for me. I felt comfortable and confident.
I’ve built a handbag, jewelry and shoe collection full of classic pieces. I can’t think of one I’d be willing to part with!
On the other hand, there are many days (maybe most?) I look in my closet and can’t find any shirts or pants I feel comfortable wearing and confident in. I sold or donated close to two thirds of my wardrobe and can easily identify more items that I wouldn’t miss. Some days I want to get rid of it all and start over (with the exception of a few key pieces like this striped shirt and these jeans)! When I help others go through their closet, one of the most important questions I ask is how the item makes them feel. If you don’t feel confident, get rid of it.
I really hope to make 2018 the year I regain my style mojo. It can sometimes feel frivolous or unimportant to care so much about what I wear, but when I look good, I feel good. I’m happier. I’m a better partner, mother and friend. Hell I’m even friendlier to strangers!
Find year in style reviews for 2016 and 2015.