Fri-yay! I took Lawson and Sybil for a walk this morning and it hit me. I am exhausted. By the time Friday rolls around, I need a nap. Desperately. I’m already planning on falling asleep when Sybil does tonight.
This is going to sound a little crazy, but have you heard of an allergy to exercise? On Tuesday morning I went for a run. It wasn’t long, maybe 2.5 miles, and it certainly wasn’t fast. I came home, drank a smoothie and went about my day. Soon after I started getting terrible stomach cramps. Sybil was napping, but I kept telling Lawson I didn’t feel well and asking him to rub and kiss my belly to make it feel better (that kid is just the best). An hour later my palms started itching and I immediately knew I was having an allergic reaction. It’s happened to me two other times in the past 5-6 years. Once after a similar run and the other after a hot yoga class. The itching is intense. My palms turn red and hot. Then my feet start itching too. I had to call Jim at work to pick up Benadryl and come home. Within 30 minutes of taking the Benadryl, I felt much better. I have no idea why this happens to me. Is it the time of year (I have allergies to pollen)? What I ate? Or didn’t eat? And just in case you don’t believe me, an exercise allergy is a real thing. Has this ever happened to you? Or anyone you know?
Remember my 101 in 1001 days list? I recently checked it. 10 down, 91 to go. I’ve got some work to do!
We started watching a new series this week, Red Oaks. It’s a comedy series on Amazon set in the 80’s. We’re 6 episodes in and I’ve quickly dubbed it my favorite show. Two seasons have been released and they announced a third and final season for later this year (I think). I wouldn’t be surprised if we finished season 1 this weekend. Have you watched it?
It’s the last day to enter the giveaway with Oat Mama! Head to Instagram to enter. Good luck!
I’ve narrowed down my spring/summer clothing wish list to a pair of denim shorts (maybe 2 if I add white), a shirtdress and a pair of neutral sandals. What’s on your wish list? I’d love to help you find it!
Have a wonderful weekend, hoping soaking up the sun!